
Peppermint included in Inclusive50 Fintechs

Peppermint Innovation Limited is a company focused on the commercialization of proprietary Mobile Banking, Payments and Remittance technology, designed for banks, mobile money operators, remittance companies, payment processors, retailers/merchants, credit card companies, and microfinance institutions.

Inclusive50 is funded by Visa and MetLife Foundation that raises awareness for emerging fintechs globally.

Just Recently, Peppermint is included in Inclusive50 FinTechs establishing its global presence and business foundations. Peppermint also operates a web-based remittances platform from Australia and, in future releases, remittance services will be integrated into the Bizmoto app. The two founders have experience in corporate management, financial services, the energy industry, and investment markets.

“This recognition is overwhelming and at the same time a good motivation for us to do more for the industry and align more on what we envision as a company.” says Adrian Ocampo CTO of Peppermint Tech Inc.

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